456 Survival But It's Prison APK - v1.0.4

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Become the prison winning 456 billion dollars in 456 Survival Challenge Game... [readmore]

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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version 1.0.4
Size 121.44 MB
Category Casual
Developer Great Arcade Games
Downloads ↓ 226.4K
⇣ Download APK (121.44 MB)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Basic Infos

License type Free
Version 1.0.4
Size 121.44 MB (127340264)
Filename com.run456.squid.challenge.prison_26_127340264.apk
Requirement 6.0
Type app
Category Casual
Package name: com.run456.squid.challenge.prison
Slogan: Become the prison winning 456 billion dollars in 456 Survival Challenge Game

App Permissions (inside APK file)

‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
‣ com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID
‣ com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE
‣ android.permission.VIBRATE
‣ com.applovin.array.apphub.permission.BIND_APPHUB_SERVICE
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS
‣ android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
‣ android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
‣ com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE
‣ android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
‣ com.run456.squid.challenge.prison.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION
‣ com.run456.squid.challenge.prison.permission.C2D_MESSAGE
‣ com.android.vending.BILLING

Features used

‣ android.hardware.vulkan.version
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.distinct
‣ android.hardware.wifi

Screenshots (24 images)

456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 1 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 2 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 3 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 4 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 5 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 6 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 7 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 8 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 9 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 10 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 11 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 12 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 13 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 14 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 15 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 16 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 17 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 18 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 19 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 20 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 21 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 22 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 23 456 Survival But It's Prison screenshot 24

About 456 Survival But It's Prison APK

456 Survival But It's Prison poster
456 Survival But It's Prison APK version 1.0.4 poster

Latest update

- Update SDK.
- Optimize performance.
- Fix bugs.

456 Survival But It's Prison APK Description

🦑 Join 456 Survival But It's Prison with us to become the winner receiving 456 million dollars and break prison together

🔻 Welcome to the survival challenge prison of 456 Survival But It's Prison with 456 Survival gameplay but in the prison. This is an amazing 456 survival adventure where you must survive all the survival challenges like Red Light Green Light, Candy Challenge, K-Challenge, 123 Run,... Are you ready to immerse yourself in the new survival challenges in the prison, where your survival skills will be expressed to survive all 456 Survival challenges in the prison! The prison doors are closed. The siren sounded. It's time to play, survive and win in the super fun 456 Survival Challenges.

🔻 Experience impractical and control your character in this real 456 Survival game in the prison! You must be careful because 456 Survival But It's Prison is a prison of high-stakes competition, where your wit, agility, and strategic thinking will be put to the ultimate test.

456 Survival But It's Prison Features
🔨 Free to play, no ultimate try and frequent updates
🔨 100+ levels, many difficult levels and various bosses
🔨 Super fun when you follow the story and complete missions
🔨 Play with other players worldwide in real-time survival battles
🔨 Simple design control and simple gameplay so easy to play
🔨 Immerse beautiful graphics and visual survival experience
🔨 Available for both kids and adults: 456 game for everyone.
🔨 Both phones and tablets are supported.

🔻 Let's play 456 Survival But It's Prison game:

123 Run

ϟ Touch the 456 prisoner to move
ϟ Players must move towards a finish line while the officer is counting.
ϟ When the Jailer turns his head, prisoners must freeze in place.
ϟ The game continues until all prisoners reach the finish line or are eliminated.

Glass Bridge

ϟ Prisoners must cross a bridge made of glass panels.
ϟ You will randomly receive a number turn and take this challenge on
ϟ Some panels are tempered glass while others are fragile.
ϟ Prisoners need to choose the correct path to avoid falling.
ϟ The last prisoners remaining is the winner.

Battle mode

ϟ As night descends, the playground becomes a perilous zone with no refuge
ϟ Equip your weapon for self-defense
ϟ Prevail over others or succumb to defeat
ϟ Amplify your strength with boosters for a strategic advantage

Tug of War

ϟ Players are divided into teams and compete in a traditional tug of war.
ϟ Remember to recruit the strongest crewmates to your team.
ϟ The goal is to pull the opposing team across a designated line.
ϟ Use your ingenuity and intelligence to pass the level and survive

Candy Challenge:

ϟ Prisoners receive a honeycomb-shaped candy with a specific shape inside.
ϟ They must use a needle to precisely carve out the given shape.
ϟ Prisoners who fail to complete the task within the time limit or break the honeycomb are eliminated.
ϟ There is always the option to lick the candy if the shape inside the candy box is too difficult for you.

ϟ Each prisoner is given a bag of marbles.
ϟ Prisoners must compete against their assigned partner in a game of their choice.
ϟ Only one person is win in this game so be careful.
ϟ Don't trust anyone and try to throw the marble as far as you can.

ϟ You can choose your prisoner's number. The prison is waiting you come and go through the challenges

4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ Attention all prisoners, the 456 survival challenge is about to begin!!! 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣

Are you ready to take part in 465 survival in the prison? Overcome rival competitors to emerge as the sole winner of 46.5 billion dollars. Conquer every level, attain championship status, and break free from the confines of the virtual prison.

If you're a fan of the 456 Survival But It's Prison, kindly give us a stellar 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating and share your thoughts in the comments. Your ongoing support serves as our inspiration to craft even more exceptional products in the days ahead.

How to install 456 Survival But It's Prison APK for Android

Download 456 Survival But It's Prison APK file (com.run456.squid.challenge.prison_26_127340264.apk) from APKPure.live, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap the APK file you downloaded (com.run456.squid.challenge.prison_26_127340264.apk)
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install 456 Survival But It's Prison APK on Windows PC 7/8/10/11 or MAC?

Download 456 Survival But It's Prison APK file (com.run456.squid.challenge.prison_26_127340264.apk) from APKPure.live to your PC (ex: C://Users/xxx/Downloads/(com.run456.squid.challenge.prison_26_127340264.apk), then follow these steps appear on screen.

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)
  • Simple install APK on PC by drag and drop file com.run456.squid.challenge.prison_26_127340264.apk on Emulator screen

456 Survival But It's Prison APK Pros & Cons

  • This app is safe, it's not require high risk permissions
  • Compatible with 32 bit device (most Emulator using 32bit arch CPU)
  • Compatible with 64-bit device (some android device and current Bluestacks)

Everything is good.

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