NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK - v1.1.15

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Interactive, anonymous and scientifically based app for your mental wellbeing.... [readmore]

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Version 1.1.15
Size 58.48 MB
Category Health & Fitness
Developer NAOMI mental wellness
Downloads ↓ 10K
⇣ Download APK (58.48 MB)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Basic Infos

License type Free
Version 1.1.15
Size 58.48 MB (61321466)
Filename com.naomi.app_54_61321466.apk
Requirement 6.0 and up
Type app
Category Health & Fitness
Package name:
Slogan: Interactive, anonymous and scientifically based app for your mental wellbeing.

App Permissions (inside APK file)

‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.VIBRATE
‣ android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
‣ android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
‣ android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
‣ android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
‣ android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT
‣ android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
‣ com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE
‣ com.sonymobile.home.permission.PROVIDER_INSERT_BADGE
‣ com.anddoes.launcher.permission.UPDATE_COUNT
‣ com.majeur.launcher.permission.UPDATE_BADGE
‣ android.permission.READ_APP_BADGE
‣ com.oppo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS
‣ com.oppo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
‣ me.everything.badger.permission.BADGE_COUNT_READ
‣ me.everything.badger.permission.BADGE_COUNT_WRITE

Features used

‣ android.hardware.touchscreen

Screenshots (6 images)

NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant screenshot 1 NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant screenshot 2 NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant screenshot 3 NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant screenshot 4 NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant screenshot 5 NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant screenshot 6

About NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK

NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant poster
NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK version 1.1.15 poster

Latest update

Version 1.1.15 updated.

NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK Description

What is NAOMI?

NAOMI is not just another meditation app. She is your personal, anonymous, virtual mental health assistant, always available on your smartphone which helps you feel better and reach your full potential.

NAOMI asks you carefully formulated questions that encourage you to think and create solutions to your problems. The app can recognize the text that you type and offer you the most appropriate answers and solutions.

NAOMI gives you very much needed emotional support and guides you through solutions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is structured, scientifically based and very effective. She addresses in a friendly tone, full of support and without condemnation of any kind.

What is special about NAOMI is her interesting design with a simple and interactive interface. You just open up the app and tell her what’s bothering you. She guides you through techniques based on scientifically proven therapies to help you find solutions to your problems. She also offers you expert psychological advice and education. Within the app it is also possible to connect with a psychotherapist and to arrange appointments for online consultations immediately (if necessary).

What does NAOMI contain?

She offers a variety of fun and easy to use techniques for different psychological issues. NAOMI can help you reduce anxiety and time spent worrying, better manage your panic attacks, cope with depression and loneliness, and help you calm down and relax when needed. Soon NAOMI will be able to help you better manage your anger, increase your self-confidence and improve your sleep quality.

NAOMI offers more than 50 different techniques to help you relax, get rid of stress and excessive worries, and improve your mood. In doing so, she helps you get rid of negative negative thoughts, unpleasant emotions and unproductive behaviors, and helps you establish healthier and more productive habits. She also contains a well-developed system of notifications and in-app rewards. For those who need relaxation, NAOMI offers carefully designed guided relaxation and mindfulness techniques that will help you relax quickly.

The content of the app can represent the equivalent of multiple sessions with a therapist. That means you can save money using Naomi while still taking care of your mental health and well-being. Over 90% of our users reported decreased levels of anxiety and anger after using NAOMI in our prototype version.

How is NAOMI content organized?

It contains four main tabs: Naomi, Explore, Contacts and Profile tab.

The Explore tab is the main tab where you can find all techniques for particular problems (depression, anxiety, stress, sleeping problems, anger etc). Each topic contains 15-20 specific techniques and conversational flows for resolving your problems.

In the NAOMI tab you can find all the reminders and tasks to be done every day. For example, setting your goals at the beginning of the day, motivational cards, relaxation techniques etc.

Since in some situations additional help from a psychotherapist is needed, NAOMI took care of that as well. In the Contacts tab, you can find contact information and descriptions of available psychotherapists in multiple European countries, available for both online and live sessions.

In the Profile section you can find all your statistics and progress in specific exercises, as well as your diary for specific problems. Monitoring progress has proven to be one of the main factors for achieving success and well-being.

NAOMI can be a good tool in psychotherapy as well (especially cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy), so that the psychotherapist can track the progress of his client, for example his diary entries, thought patterns, unpleasant emotions he’s feeling etc.

Send us feedback at [email protected]

End user license agreement:
Privacy Policy:

How to install NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK for Android

Download NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK file (com.naomi.app_54_61321466.apk) from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap the APK file you downloaded (com.naomi.app_54_61321466.apk)
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK on Windows PC 7/8/10/11 or MAC?

Download NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK file (com.naomi.app_54_61321466.apk) from to your PC (ex: C://Users/xxx/Downloads/(com.naomi.app_54_61321466.apk), then follow these steps appear on screen.

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)
  • Simple install APK on PC by drag and drop file com.naomi.app_54_61321466.apk on Emulator screen

NAOMI - personal mental wellness assistant APK Pros & Cons

  • This app is safe, it's not require high risk permissions
  • Compatible with 64-bit device (some android device and current Bluestacks)

  • No best performance On PC (Windows, MAC) (because it's not exists X86 variant)

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