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WordCrex - The fair word game APK - v2.0.65

2750+ votes, 4.93/5

Can you beat your opponent with the same letters?... [readmore]

⇣ Download APK (71.18 MB)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version 2.0.65
Size 71.18 MB
Category Word
Developer WordCrex
Downloads ↓ 143.8K
⇣ Download APK (71.18 MB)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Basic Infos

License type Free
Version 2.0.65
Size 71.18 MB (74637824)
Filename eu.creativefriends.wordcrex_2010000622_74637824.apk
Requirement 8.0
Type app
Category Word
Package name: eu.creativefriends.wordcrex
Slogan: Can you beat your opponent with the same letters?

App Permissions (inside APK file)

‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
‣ android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
‣ android.permission.CAMERA
‣ android.permission.VIBRATE
‣ android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
‣ android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
‣ android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
‣ android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES
‣ com.android.vending.BILLING
‣ android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
‣ android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
‣ android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT
‣ android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
‣ com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID
‣ com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE
‣ com.applovin.array.apphub.permission.BIND_APPHUB_SERVICE
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS
‣ com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE
‣ android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
‣ com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.READ
‣ com.sec.android.provider.badge.permission.WRITE
‣ com.htc.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS
‣ com.htc.launcher.permission.UPDATE_SHORTCUT
‣ com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE
‣ com.sonymobile.home.permission.PROVIDER_INSERT_BADGE
‣ com.anddoes.launcher.permission.UPDATE_COUNT
‣ com.majeur.launcher.permission.UPDATE_BADGE
‣ com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.CHANGE_BADGE
‣ com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS
‣ com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
‣ android.permission.READ_APP_BADGE
‣ com.oppo.launcher.permission.READ_SETTINGS
‣ com.oppo.launcher.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
‣ me.everything.badger.permission.BADGE_COUNT_READ
‣ me.everything.badger.permission.BADGE_COUNT_WRITE

Features used

‣ android.hardware.camera
‣ android.hardware.camera.autofocus
‣ android.hardware.wifi
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen

Screenshots (12 images)

WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 1 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 2 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 3 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 4 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 5 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 6 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 7 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 8 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 9 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 10 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 11 WordCrex - The fair word game screenshot 12

About WordCrex - The fair word game APK

WordCrex - The fair word game poster
WordCrex - The fair word game APK version 2.0.65 poster

Latest update

New design, landscape, ranking and bug fixes.

WordCrex - The fair word game APK Description

WordCrex is the challenging, fair and very popular Scrabble variant! Do you have a feeling for language? Do you always see the best scoring word. Does this sound good? Then WordCrex is your word game!

Each turn you get seven letters. Your challenge is to form words and score as many points as possible. The exciting thing is that your opponent has the same seven letters and also tries to score as many points as possible!

Can you beat your opponent with the same letters?

For example
The letters to play are: R N I W S E N
You play WINNERS and get 134 points.
Your opponent plays WIRES and gets 47 points.
You win this turn!
WINNERS is placed on the game board and the next turn begins.
So, the player who has scored the most points using the same seven letters wins. And that’s fair!

You play a game of WordCrex with two, three or four players.

WordCrex is played in more than 20 languages worldwide!

The two available English dictionaries are SOWPODS and TWL

Have fun playing WordCrex!

How to install WordCrex - The fair word game APK for Android

Download WordCrex - The fair word game APK file (eu.creativefriends.wordcrex_2010000622_74637824.apk) from APKPure.live, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap the APK file you downloaded (eu.creativefriends.wordcrex_2010000622_74637824.apk)
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install WordCrex - The fair word game APK on Windows PC 7/8/10/11 or MAC?

Download WordCrex - The fair word game APK file (eu.creativefriends.wordcrex_2010000622_74637824.apk) from APKPure.live to your PC (ex: C://Users/xxx/Downloads/(eu.creativefriends.wordcrex_2010000622_74637824.apk), then follow these steps appear on screen.

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)
  • Simple install APK on PC by drag and drop file eu.creativefriends.wordcrex_2010000622_74637824.apk on Emulator screen

WordCrex - The fair word game APK Pros & Cons

  • This app is safe, it's not require high risk permissions
  • Compatible with 64-bit device (some android device and current Bluestacks)

  • No best performance On PC (Windows, MAC) (because it's not exists X86 variant)

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